Rigan Machado, 8th Degree Red / White Belt

Master Rigan Machado, 8x World Champion
Master Rigan Machado is a living legend in the world of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and is considered by many to be the greatest grappler to ever walk the face of the planet. Master Rigan holds the prestigious Red / White Belt and is nephew of the Legendary Grandmasters Carlos and Helio Gracie. Master Rigan Machado achieved his legendary stature at the world championship level by amassing a record like never been seen again.
From the age of 14 through 21, he won the World Championships every year and every belt division. He amassed a record of 365 wins with very few losses in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu competition. He also created a record by having 19 matches in one day and finishing all of them by submission. He has also competed and won in other styles of grappling such as Sambo in which he took 2nd place in the World Championships.
Master Rigan Machado remained unbeaten in more than 13 years of competition. He is one of the most unique and interesting people in the martial of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu because of the desire he has to bring the best out of all his students. He has taken pride in the fact that he will always be a student of the art and he will always make sure that his students receive the best from him at all time.
From the age of 14 through 21, he won the World Championships every year and every belt division. He amassed a record of 365 wins with very few losses in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu competition. He also created a record by having 19 matches in one day and finishing all of them by submission. He has also competed and won in other styles of grappling such as Sambo in which he took 2nd place in the World Championships.
Master Rigan Machado remained unbeaten in more than 13 years of competition. He is one of the most unique and interesting people in the martial of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu because of the desire he has to bring the best out of all his students. He has taken pride in the fact that he will always be a student of the art and he will always make sure that his students receive the best from him at all time.
Mark Massey, 3rd Degree Black Belt

Mark Massey was first introduced to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in 1993 after visiting Professor Pedro Sauer's academy in Salt Lake City, UT. He trained off an on for about 2 years but had to move to Washington and took up Judo before earning any colored belt rank in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Mr. Massey continued regular study and training in Judo, earning his Shodan (Black Belt) in 2001 and Nidan (2nd degree Black Belt) in 2008 under the United States Judo Association. In 1999 Mr. Massey took up Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu again and continued the journey he started several years earlier. Mr. Massey earned his Blue Belt under Professor Keith Owen (Pedro Sauer), his Purple Belt under Master Carlos Gracie Jr. (Gracie Barra) and his Brown Belt under Professor Rafael Ellwanger and Master Carlos Gracie Jr. (Gracie Barra).
After 6 years with the Gracie Barra Team, Mr. Massey elected to part ways and find a more suitable, non-franchised organization for the Academy. After months of research and phone calls, Mr. Massey was put in touch with Master Rigan Machado, who graciously took the School and Mr. Massey under his tutelage and guidance.
Mark Massey was awarded the coveted Black Belt directly from Master Rigan Machado on May 25, 2013 in Pocatello, Idaho and was asked by Master Rigan to work as his Association Director. Professor Massey has helped unite the Rigan Machado schools nationwide and standardize a curriculum based on Master Rigan Machado's teachings and principles. Professor Massey also earned his 1st, 2nd, and 3rd degree Black Belt directly under Master Rigan and continues to represent Machado Jiu-Jitsu here in Southeast Idaho.
**Professor Massey is a proud member of the Law Enforcement community, serving the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes in Fort Hall, Idaho since 2003. He served as the Captain of Police with the Fort Hall Police Department for 12 years and is the current Chief of Corrections for the Tribes. Elite Jiu-Jitsu Academy is a pro Military and Law Enforcement Academy, offering Scholarships and Free Tuition to qualified Members.
After 6 years with the Gracie Barra Team, Mr. Massey elected to part ways and find a more suitable, non-franchised organization for the Academy. After months of research and phone calls, Mr. Massey was put in touch with Master Rigan Machado, who graciously took the School and Mr. Massey under his tutelage and guidance.
Mark Massey was awarded the coveted Black Belt directly from Master Rigan Machado on May 25, 2013 in Pocatello, Idaho and was asked by Master Rigan to work as his Association Director. Professor Massey has helped unite the Rigan Machado schools nationwide and standardize a curriculum based on Master Rigan Machado's teachings and principles. Professor Massey also earned his 1st, 2nd, and 3rd degree Black Belt directly under Master Rigan and continues to represent Machado Jiu-Jitsu here in Southeast Idaho.
**Professor Massey is a proud member of the Law Enforcement community, serving the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes in Fort Hall, Idaho since 2003. He served as the Captain of Police with the Fort Hall Police Department for 12 years and is the current Chief of Corrections for the Tribes. Elite Jiu-Jitsu Academy is a pro Military and Law Enforcement Academy, offering Scholarships and Free Tuition to qualified Members.